For add the admission form data. Click on Admission Forms link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Admission Form Data button
Please enter the form number and all the fields are required for this section
Please enter all the fields in Particulars section and upload candidate photo
Please enter the local address
Please enter the permanent address
Please enter the general information
Please enter the bank details
Please enter the information regarding examination passed
Please upload the enclosed documents
Click on Save button
For generate merit list. Click on Merit List link from left navigation Panel.
Please select course
Please select batch
Please select merit List Type
Click on Get Report button. Merit List will be generated in next page. You can download eighter PDF or Excel
For student admission. Click on Merit List link from left navigation Panel.
Please select course, batch and merit list type
Click on Get Report button. Merit List will be generated in next page.
For student admission Click on Admission button.
Please enter roll no. for student and assigned division to student and choose optional subject if required
Click on Pay Fees button.
Please select fee collection type and enter fine if late.
Please select a payment mode
If payment mode is cheque then enter the cheque details
And then click on the Pay Fee if student is paying full fee or Pay Partial Fees Button.
Click on Student link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Student button
Please enter the form number and all the fields are required for this section
Please enter all the fields in Particulars section and upload candidate photo
Please enter the local address
Please enter the permanent address
Please enter the general information
Please enter the bank details
Please enter the information regarding examination passed
Please upload the enclosed documents
Click on Save button
Click on Users >> Guardian link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Guardian button
Please select student and relation with guardian
Please enter first name, middle name, last name
Please enter email Id, mobile number and date of birth of guardian
Please enter education, occupation and income of guardian
Please upload guardian profile image
Please enter your address, city, state and select your country
Click on Submit button
For create event. Click on Events link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Event button
Please enter event title
Please enter event description
Please enter event start date and end date
Check particular checkbox if is common event or is paid event
Check if this event for particular batch if checked than select batch
Check if this event for particular group if checked than select group
Please upload event image
Click on Submit button
Click on Published Exams link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Students Result button
Please enter marks and upload answer sheet if available for students
Click on Submit button
Click on Fees >> Student Fee Collection link from left navigation Panel.
Please search and select the student
Please select batch
Please enter a fine amount if you want to charge fine from this student
Please select payment mode - Cash / Cheque
If payment mode is cheque then provide Cheque Number and Bank Name
If you want to pay full fees then click on Pay Fees button. or
if you want to pay partial fee then click on Pay Partial Fees button, then enter the partial amount
Click on Pay Fees button
Click on Fees >> Instant Fee Collection link from left navigation Panel.
Please students course, batch and division
Please enter fee name, description
Please enter fee amount
Please select student
Click on Collect Fees button
Click on Fees >> Other Fee Collection link from left navigation Panel.
Please fee collection name
Please description
Please enter fee amount
Please enter student name
Click on Collect Fees button
Click on Generate Progress Card link from left navigation Panel.
Please select Grade Card For
Please select course, batch, division and student name
Click on Generate Grade Card button.
Click on Generate Leaving Certificate link from left navigation Panel.
Please select course, batch and student name
Please enter exam seat no. and month and year of exam
Please enter GRN/PRN number
Click on Generate Leaving Certificate button.
Click on Bus Management >> Bus link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Bus button.
Please enter bus name
Please enter bus no.
Please enter bus type
Click on Submit button.
Click on Bus Management >> Routes link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Route button.
Please enter route name
Please enter start location and end location.
Please click Add Stop Location button. Andd add stops between start and end location.
Click on Submit button.
Click on Bus Management >> Schedule Bus link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Schedule Bus button.
Please enter days
Please pickup time, drop time and bus schedule date.
Please select bus, driver and route.
Please select stops
Click on Submit button.