User Guide

Administration Module

Learn how to add course

  1. For add new course. Click on Master Data >> Course link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Course button

  2. Please enter course name

  3. Please enter description for course

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add batch

  1. For add new batch. Click on Master Data >> Batch link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Batch button

  2. Please enter batch name and description for batch

  3. Please select academic year and course

  4. Please enter capacity of batch

  5. Select start date and end date of batch

  6. Please select faculties for this batch

  7. Please add division for batch

  8. Set quota for batch and click on Submit button


Learn how to add subject

  1. For add new subject. Click on Master Data >> Subject link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Subject button

  2. Please enter subject name

  3. Please enter subject code

  4. Please enter course credit

  5. Please max weekly classes and credit hours

  6. Please click no exams if required. And then click on Submit button


Learn how to assign subject to batch

  1. For assign subject to batch. Click on Master Data >> Subjects >> Assign Subjects to Batch button from top. Then click on Assign Subject button

  2. Please select course and batch

  3. Please select compulsary subject

  4. Please select optional subject

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to assign subject to employee

  1. For assign subject to employee. Click on Employee Master Data link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Employee Subject Allocation link

  2. Please select course

  3. Please select subject, you can see currently assigned employee/teacher to that subject, you can remove by click Remove button

  4. Please select department, you can get a list of assigned employee/teacher to that department

  5. Please Check the checkboxes if you wish to assign more than one employee/teacher to that subject

  6. Click on Submit button


Learn how to create event

  1. For create event. Click on Master Data >> Event link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Event button

  2. Please enter event title & description

  3. Please enter event start date and end date

  4. Check Required Registration checkbox if is event required registration

  5. Check particular checkbox if is common event or is paid event

  6. Check if this event for particular batch if checked than select batch

  7. Check if this event for particular group if checked than select group

  8. Please upload event image

  9. Click on Submit button


Learn how to create news

  1. For create news. Click on Master Data >> News link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Create News button

  2. Please enter news title

  3. Please enter publish date

  4. Please enter full news description

  5. Check particular checkbox if this is common news

  6. Check if this event for particular batch if checked than select batch

  7. Check if this event for particular group if checked than select group

  8. Please upload document

  9. Click on Submit button


Learn how to create group

  1. For create new group. Click on Master Data >> Group link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Group button

  2. Please enter group name

  3. Please enter description for course

  4. Please select student for this group

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to create student category

  1. For create new category. Click on Master Data >> Category link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Category button

  2. Please category name

  3. Please description for category

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add exam

  1. For create new Exam. Click on Exam Management >> Exams link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Exam button

  2. Please enter exam type

  3. Please add subjects for exam , you can add more rows by clicking Add button

  4. Please select subject, test type enter min marks, max marks and weightage

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add exam group

  1. For create new exam group. Click on Exam Management >> Exam Group link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Exam Group button

  2. Please select batch

  3. For grouping the subject select exam and then click on Add button for grouping new exam

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how publish exam

  1. For publish exam. Click on Exam Management >> Publish Exam link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Publish Exam button

  2. Please select teacher

  3. Please select exam date

  4. Please select start time and end time

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add fee category

  1. For create new category. Click on Fees >> Fee Category link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Fee Category button

  2. Please category name and description for category

  3. Chooose Batch or Group from options. If Batch then select particular batch from drop down

  4. If Group then select particular group from drop down

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add fee particular

  1. For create new category. Click on Fees >> Fee Particulars link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Fee Particular button

  2. Please enter particular name

  3. Please enter description for particular

  4. Please select fee category

  5. Please enter amount

  6. Please choose apply to - if you choose All then applied to all student in school

  7. If you choose Student Category then applied to only those student who belong to selected category

  8. If you choose Particular Student then applied to only selected student

  9. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add fee discount

  1. For create new fee discount. Click on Fees >> Fee Discount link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Fee Discout button

  2. Please enter discount name

  3. Please select fee category on which you want to apply discount

  4. Please select discount type - batch / student / student category

  5. Please enter discount percent

  6. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add fee collection

  1. For create new fee collection. Click on Fees >> Fee Collection link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Fee Collection button

  2. Please enter collection name

  3. Please select fee category and batch for which batch you want to collect the fees

  4. Please enter start date and end date

  5. Please enter due date

  6. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add class timing

  1. Click on Time Table Schedule >> Class Timings link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Class Timings button

  2. Please enter start date and end date

  3. Please check if mentioned time is break time

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to create a time table

  1. Click on Time Table Schedule >> Time Table link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Time Table button

  2. Please select course

  3. Please select batch

  4. Please select division

  5. Please select Add Time Table button

  6. Please enter the all values

  7. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add medium instruction

  1. Click on Master Data >> Medium Instruction link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Medium Instruction button

  2. Please enter name

  3. Please enter description

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add employee category

  1. Click on Employee Master Data >> Employee Category link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Employee Category button

  2. Please enter employee category name

  3. Please enter prefix

  4. Please choose active / inactive

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add employee position

  1. Click on Employee Master Data >> Employee Position link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Employee Position button

  2. Please enter employee position name

  3. Please enter employee category

  4. Please choose active / inactive

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add employee grade

  1. Click on Employee Master Data >> Employee Grade link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Employee Grade button

  2. Please enter grade name

  3. Please enter priority

  4. Please enter max periods per day

  5. Please max periods per week

  6. Please choose active / inactive

  7. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add employee department

  1. Click on Employee Master Data >> Employee Department link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Employee Department button

  2. Please enter department code

  3. Please enter department name

  4. Please choose active / inactive

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add principal

  1. Click on Users >> Principal link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Principal button

  2. Please enter first name, middle name and last name

  3. Please enter email Id

  4. Please enter mobile number

  5. Please enter date of birth

  6. Please upload you profile image

  7. Please enter your full address

  8. Please enter your city

  9. Please enter your state name and select coutry

  10. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add employee / teacher

  1. Click on Users >> Employee link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Employee button

  2. Please enter employee number

  3. Please enter first name, middle name, last name

  4. Please enter email Id and mobile number

  5. Please select nationality

  6. Please upload profile image

  7. Please select proper employee department, category, position and grade.

  8. Please select employee type

  9. Please enter home address(optional) and select country

  10. Please enter office address(optional)

  11. Please enter contact details(optional)

  12. Please enter bank information (optional)

  13. Please enter additional details (optional)

  14. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add student

  1. Click on Users >> Student link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Student button

  2. Please enter the form number and all the fields are required for this section

  3. Please enter all the fields in Particulars section and upload candidate photo

  4. Please enter the local address

  5. Please enter the permanent address

  6. Please enter the general information

  7. Please enter the bank details

  8. Please enter the information regarding examination passed

  9. Please upload the enclosed documents

  10. Click on Save button


Learn how to add driver

  1. For add Drivers. Click on Users >> Driver link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Driver button

  2. Please enter first name, middle name and last name of driver

  3. please enter mobile no., email id and date of birth of driver

  4. Please enter license no. of driver

  5. Please upload driver photo

  6. Please enter address inforation of driver

  7. Click on Subit button


Learn how to add guardian

  1. Click on Users >> Guardian link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Guardian button

  2. Please select student and relation with guardian

  3. Please enter first name, middle name, last name

  4. Please enter email Id, mobile number and date of birth of guardian

  5. Please enter education, occupation and income of guardian

  6. Please upload guardian profile image

  7. Please enter your address, city, state and select your country

  8. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add divisions

  1. For add divisions. Click on Master Data >> Division link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Division button

  2. Please enter division name

  3. Please enter description

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add location

  1. For add location. Click on Master Data >> Location link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Location button

  2. Please enter location name

  3. Please enter description

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add floor

  1. For add floor. Click on Master Data >> Floor link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Floor button

  2. Please enter floor name

  3. Please enter description

  4. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add room

  1. For add divisions. Click on Master Data >> Room link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Room button

  2. Please enter room name

  3. Please select location

  4. Please select floor

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to add holiday

  1. For add holidays. Click on Calendar link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Holiday button

  2. Please select academic year and month of holiday

  3. After that click on Add Holiday button, dynamic row will add

  4. Please select date, enter title and select type of holiay

  5. Click on Save button


Learn how to add leave type

  1. For add leave type. Click on Leave Management >> Leave Type link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Add Leave Type button

  2. Please enter leave type name and code

  3. Please enter max leaves count

  4. Please check if carry forward type of leave

  5. Please make this leave type active or inactive

  6. Click on Submit button


Learn how to create fee installments

  1. For create fee installment. Click on Fees >> Fee Installents link from left navigation Panel. Then click on Create Installment button

  2. Please select fee type

  3. Please enter No. of installments and then click on Add Installent button dynamic row will be added

  4. Please divide the fee amount in no of installments

  5. Click on Submit button


Learn how to authenticate visitor management

  1. Click on Visitor Managment link from left navigation Panel.

  2. Please enter visitor name

  3. Please enter visitor company name and no. of visitors

  4. Please select to whom you want to meet, name of the person to meet and purpose of visit.

  5. Please enter remarks

  6. Please checked if more than 1 visitor and click on Add Visitor button. and enter visitor name

  7. Please enter visitor mobile no. and click on Send Otp button. Otp will come to visitor mobile enter correct otp and authenticate mobile no.

  8. Please capture the visitor image. Click on Capture Image button

  9. Click on Submit button


Learn how to send emergeny alerts

  1. For send alert. Click on Emergenc Alerts link from left navigation Panel.

  2. Please choose to whom you want to send an alert

  3. If you choose All School then select message

  4. If you choose Student For Particular Batch/Class then select Batch and Division

  5. Please select the message you want to send

  6. Click on Send Message button
